Post by ascarys on Jul 3, 2012 18:22:23 GMT -8
As title says. Pick any rare for 2 HPs or any two for 3 HPs. Buy 4 and pick a fifth rare for free! So that would be 5 rares for 6 HPs. Some are tied up in presents, but leave me a support on what you are interested in and I will get them to you. If I cancel a trade it is because it either didn't meet these guidelines or the cards went in an earlier trade.
LF: I will trade rare for rare with High Gunners (need 6) or Reshef (need 6) I will also trade 9 rares for any Non treasure HR Also buying HPs for 90 k each...leave a support with how many you wish to sell and I will get back with you with an offer as money is on my IPad character.
Thank you for looking!
God Rares Yinglong x 3 Daphne x 2 Rhea x 2 High Pixie x 3 Kratos High Elf x 4
Man Rares High Ninja x 2 Holy Knight x 2 Gladiator x 2 High Dancer x 2 High Lancer High Shaman Buccaneer x 3 High Witch
Demon Rares Succubus x 3 High Daemon Elder Dragon Elder Vampire Melusine x 2 Garmr x 3 Manticore x 2 Goblin Fighter
Other Knight Luciellas X 7. I will sell these for 2 HPs each. Elder Dragon++ 3 HP Elder Vampire+ 2 HP
Post by ascarys on Jul 3, 2012 18:22:43 GMT -8
Ign is Ascarys
Post by kylar76 on Jul 4, 2012 10:38:32 GMT -8
i would like 4 luciellas plz, send me a trade with them my IGN kylar76
Post by abel1985 on Jul 5, 2012 17:58:12 GMT -8
I would like 4 of the lucies How much for them? are they part of the deals or just 2 HP each My IGN is Abel19852008